Petey's Piece of the World
Write from your heart, right from your heart.

Bob Dylan

So, Tuesday, I went and saw music legend, Bob Dylan perform at our school. It was.... disappointing to say the least. I really felt like paying $27 dollars was too much. I mean I don't know alot of dylan songs, so that might have been a factor. or maybe it was the fact that I couldn't understand a single word that came out of Bob's mouth. He has smoked so much that he sounds like he has a constant wad of flem in his throat. But honestly, I'll tell you what a modern Bob Dylan song sounds like.

1. Take any sort of common blues band riff and play that the entire time. Guitar, Bass, and drums play the simple theme together, but the keyboard can play notes randomly and bang out the chords once in a while.
2. Put over that what sounds like the cajun assistant coach from waterboy trying to sing. It doesn't have to be on key or even singing, because the pitches are undeterminable. Also, the words don't have to be in time with the music. That is the luxury of being a legend.
3. Now throw in a guitar solo that is basically going up and down a scale of notes for about a minute.
4. After the guitar solo, It's time for Bob's harmonica... so play two or three repeating notes for about 2 minutes and you've got it down. Don't worry about playing the notes in rythm either.
5. Go back to the scratching...not a turntable, Dylan's voice. After some time end the song by slowing the song way down and crashing the cymbals extra hard.

That's it. you've made a Bob Dylan song. Congratulations! So, You are probably wondering if I liked the BD Concert. Of course I did. He is a music legend after all.



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