Petey's Piece of the World
Write from your heart, right from your heart.

Merry Christmas Darling

Uhm... merry christmas.....

I got money and a sweater....

I also saw family and other things...

blah blah blah....

wiggity waggity....

i love abby...

i ate food...

i want to sleep...


So, I went and saw Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events last night. It was great. The movie is based off of the first three books in a series of books obviously called A series of Unfortunate Events. I have read the first three books and the movie doesn't follow the story line extremely great... but I didn't mind. The movie has great acting, amazing sets, good CG, nice directing, and the cinematography was quite keen. so overall, I give it an A for style. but maybe a lower grade for not following the story.

Also, the previews before hand were nice. I learned that they are redoing The Pink Panther and Steve Martin is going to play Inspector Jacques Clouseau and from the looks of it, it will be pretty good.

I also learned that Steven Speilberg is directing the new War of the Worlds remake. I have never seen the original movie although I have heard the radio broadcast that caused suicides and such. Tom Cruise is the title actor ... I enjoyed minority report, so I'm kinda looking forward to this movie.

Also, I got to see the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory preview on the big screen. Boy oh Boy, I can't wait to see that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homeward Bound!

Hey All!

I'm almost home and since I don't have access to the World Wide Web at my house, I thought I'd give ya'll an update. Not alot has happened since we last chatted. I got to see James (my older bro) this weekend. That was nice. Then finals.... yikes. I only had two exams and only one I was worried about. I my last one was yesterday. I had also had two projects. Those would have been easy, had I started right after I found out about them. But you know me... I waited until the night before to begin. Well, This were stressful, but I slept it off. Everything went fine. I'm going to pass all my classes, I don't know by how much I will pass... but I will pass. yes!!

I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up from school and then I will be in Mayville for 6 weeks. SIX WEEK!!! that's crazy. I will probably work the last 4 weeks. oh joy. But money doesn't grow directly from trees. Well, that's all I can think to say... have a great something!!! kbye

Speaker of the Piggies

Well, I finished Speaker of the Dead (number two in the ender's series). Once again I find myself longing to meet face to face with the characters of the book; shake their hands; give them hugs... and yet I feel like I have done those things already. I feel like I've known them for some time. Oh books... how you have taken my soul from me. Soon, I will start the third book, Xenocide. Oh boy.

Today, during work, I went to Abby's band concert... she had two official solos and she did awesome. She said she was nervous last night, but I'm don't know why she was. I sat next to Abby's mom who was quite excited about everything. Oh yeah, did I mention this was during work? yep, I was "at work" or "on the clock" as they say; gett'n payed. I went to work and told Andi "Listen here, I'm going to Abby's concert and you ain't gonna stop me!" and she is all like "blah blah ok blah" and then I retort with a "well, hpmf.... gigity smiggles." and that basically was the end of that. Andi covered for me. When I came back to work, Jeff and Mike were here (at work, that's where I am) behind the desk and the room smelled of cleaning solution. I was scared... but not really, only kinda.


This weekend was great... on Friday I went to an all you can eat fish fry. We had a discussion about whether or not other countries had all-you-can-eat places or meals. We determined only Americans could be so pig headed. After the fish fry, Abby and I went to a UW-O production of Romeo and Juliet. I love the play and they didn't do a terrible job of it, but it could have been better. Afterward, Abby and I hung out in my room and watched movies, specifically The Muppet's Christmas Carol. I love the Muppets so much.

I woke up at 11ish on Saturday and ordered some CDs. I got seven from BMG; about two from myTunes; and probably 15 from the Mayville Public Library. My musical collection is flourishing. I also started going through my collection to weed out the stuff I don't listen to. There seems to be a lot. I know it is cool to be able to brag about how big my collection of music is, but what is the point if I don't listen to it or even like the music. I know people who are in the habit of collecting music just to collect it. But I guess if you've got the hard drive space... why not?

Saturday evening Travis, Shelly, Abby, and Myself went to the Pettit Ice Center in Milwaukee. We ice skated for about an hour. I seemed a lot longer. But it was a lot of fun. After skating we went to the cheesecake factory (which is a fancy restaurant). But the wait was going to be an hour. So, we decided to go to Panera Bread at the Mayfair Mall. Abby paid for the meal (thanks Abby). We walked around the mall for a while and then took a sleepy, 1.5 hour car ride back to Oshkosh.

That’s about it. I've got 2 projects, 2 exams and 1 concert coming up. I'm not really too worried. I hope to pull out of the semester with anything higher than a 2.5. Otherwise, I'm in trouble and would have to change my major. Well, I will talk to ya'll later folks.