Petey's Piece of the World
Write from your heart, right from your heart.

busy busy busy

WEll hello readers... It has been a while. I have been uber busy with the musical (which is opening this weekend and everyone should go see). But I have been up to not much of anything besides that.... YEAH RIGHT!!!! UGH. uhm... yeah so, School work, school projects, radio projects, movie sound design projects... I'm basically swamped. I'm still trying to pump out the fateful promise's website... I just have no time to complete this thing in my "free time"... as in time that I don't get payed for. Blarg.

so today is the official end to my month of trying to be vise free. I think for the most part it was good. I didn't not drink for the whole month... meaning... I didn't accomplish my goal of being vise free. In my head it was this weekend when I decided that I was stressed enough to buy wine that is was officially over for me. So, I couldn't hold out four days before my time was up. There are others, though, that would say that it was over when I decided to have a shot with my friend, Hartley, to help cheer him up (this happened only two or three days after I said I would lay off). And if that was okay by someone's standards... I have a jagger-bomb for travis' half birthday in order to commemorate 21.5 years of life.

So, yeah... those are my follies... but, you know I was really only doing it for me... so it isn't like I let anyone down... (although, I kind of feel like I let my fellow readers down that frequent this blog.) But I know that I know how to handle myself when I drink probably better than anyone I know... I knew this before the whole abstaining from booze thing... yeah... if you'd like to know more... please dial 1... as in call me... I'll talk to you about anything you want. I trust you... but I don't trust the internet... I'll go into detail with you, but that internet is a loud mouth rumor-monger, so... I am doing amazing and life couldn't really be much better (my grades could use a boost). So, yes... blah blah blah... write write write... busy busy busy... hope to hear from you soon. peace...

Ogden Nash
O money, money, money!
I often stop to wonder how thou canst go out so fast
when thou comest in so slowly.

-- Ogden Nash