Petey's Piece of the World |
Speaker of the Piggies Well, I finished Speaker of the Dead (number two in the ender's series). Once again I find myself longing to meet face to face with the characters of the book; shake their hands; give them hugs... and yet I feel like I have done those things already. I feel like I've known them for some time. Oh books... how you have taken my soul from me. Soon, I will start the third book, Xenocide. Oh boy.Today, during work, I went to Abby's band concert... she had two official solos and she did awesome. She said she was nervous last night, but I'm don't know why she was. I sat next to Abby's mom who was quite excited about everything. Oh yeah, did I mention this was during work? yep, I was "at work" or "on the clock" as they say; gett'n payed. I went to work and told Andi "Listen here, I'm going to Abby's concert and you ain't gonna stop me!" and she is all like "blah blah ok blah" and then I retort with a "well, hpmf.... gigity smiggles." and that basically was the end of that. Andi covered for me. When I came back to work, Jeff and Mike were here (at work, that's where I am) behind the desk and the room smelled of cleaning solution. I was scared... but not really, only kinda.
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