Petey's Piece of the World
Write from your heart, right from your heart.

A Manditory Happy Saint Valentine's Day to you all

So, I was sitting here at work and all of the sudden I'm think'n "It is Valentine's Day... I should post on my blog!!!" So, I guess that is what I'm doing. Nothing too new to write about around here. Thursday last, I went ..... wait let me back up.... Wednesday, I went to .... oh wait hold on.... I think it was monday I ordered some killer cd's from the Oshkosh public library. I was totally on a music kick last week. I ordered like 20 from the Mayville PL, but I haven't had a chance to pick them up yet. Anywho, Wednesday, I went to pick up my CDs at the OPL (oshkosh public library), I went with my friend Megan (she wanted to go to the exclusive company and the bank, which are in the same general area). so, We travelled downtown and she went to the bank and while I waited for her, I checked my balance... I had $58 dollars in my checking account. "that's good," I thought to myself "I will have enough money to do something nice for Abby for V-day" So, then I went to the library etc.

Next day, (thursday), Mike convinces me to skip a piano performance of a 14 year old prodigy that I've been planning to see all year (seriously, the first time I saw it in august ... I said "i don't care what else is going on I am going to see that concert"). But the cause was just, I was going to Appleton to buy a Valentines gift for Abby. I knew that I wouldn't have another chance to do so before v-day(seeing as I don't have a car and am not good at sweet talking those that do). So I found myself at Build-a-Bear looking for something to buy for Abby. I settled on the monkey (abby is a fan {anyone who knows me can attest that I am also a monkey advocate}). SO, I go through the whole build a bear process filling it with love, fluffing it up, and giving it a name. Mike and Matt also got stuffed animals... they checked out first... then it was down to me. So, i swiped my debit card... the check-lady looked at the manager... the manager swiped my card... and then looked at me sadly and just shook her head. I knew instantly what that meant "Do I have enough money on my card?" I spewed with a desperate and sad look on my face. Another shake of the manager's head let me know my worst fears were confirmed. "but I just checked yesterday" I thought outloud "do you mind if I go check my balance on the ATM?" "No problem, we'll hold on to the bear.... monkey." so, to make a long story short.... someone cashed a check I forgot about and only had about 10 dollars to my name. Luckily, Mike (my roommate) was nice enough to lend me some cashage. So, that was Thursday.

Friday, Abby and I hung out for a while then she went to a movie with her girl-friends, afterward they did each other's hair and came and hung out with me and my boy, travis. Then, After Abby and Amy left... Travis and I went to Jeff's room where, meaning full well to play xbox all night, I promptly fell asleep. I awoke at 9 a.m. with a newly found blanket and drool stain. (sorry jeremy{jeff's roommate}) . I decided to do my laundry seeing as my socks were growing vital organs and starting to form a primitive language. Abby came by (after I beat the socks to submission and forced them to their watery graves) and we took a walk to the downtown.... i returned my CDs that I borrowed and got some new ones. Then we went to a vintage shop called AtomicKatz. They had some awesome clothing... I would have bought something, but as you can guess i had somewhat of a money problem. They were quite overpriced. There was this pair of pants for $150, it was too much, but they had some sweet sweaters for about 18 buckaroos, I would have snatched one of those suckers. But that was that.

Sunday I went to church in the morning. It was so nice... then I helped Ed make a Valentine Card for his secret crush. Then I made a card for my well-known crush. (if it isn't well-known to you... I am talking about ABBY!!!) so, then I tried to find something to do to celebrate V-day.. but there was nothing... I didn't have a car therefore no driving... so 6:30 rolled around and Abby IM'd me and said "i'm gonna go eat" so, I'm like "I'm gonna eat with you" so we had a romantic dinner at the Union. After that, I brought her to my room and gave her my card and my present. She loved it. Then we went on a short horse-drawn carraige ride around campus. It was cute. Then I went to her room and she gave me a card and a present. She got me a body pillow!!!! Sweet!!! I wanted one for like all year now. so I was totally stoked. She even used fabric paint and wrote "The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen." so, either that means I don't listen enough and I should take the hint or that she enjoys the fact that I'm a good listener. I'm gonna say it is the later. But either way, I love it and I love Abby. Yay (think stereotypical homosexual lisp and jump in the air)!!!!



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